Saturday 15 November 2008

My first post

Nearly five years and 60 editions after initially setting up the Cirencester Athletics Club monthly newsletter I am about to cease my editorial duties. My reasons for this are many and varied and I don't intend getting into them at this stage. However, I have decided that this is therefore the perfect time to set up a personal blog. Yes, it's me being a bit self-indulgent for the first time in my life, but I think also that it may serve to help other runners in whatever small way that can be derived.

I intend posting on a weekly basis reflecting on my running experiences during that week. I will also reminisce about my long and varied running career, I have after all been racing for 40 years. So sit back, enjoy and be ready for a switchback ride! I will welcome feedback of any kind - constructive criticism is often the best way to improve things so all suggestions welcome. It will take time for me to fully develop my site so, reader(s), please be patient.

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