Sunday, 7 February 2010

On the track ...

An interesting week started with a track session in Stoke*, it was a good one too with not a steeplechase barrier in sight: 25 x 400 compound with alternate fast and float laps. Thankfully I was only holding the stopwatch although I did help with some pacing for Michelle and did a good long warm down with her. Not sure how much good it did me as rigamortis had set in by the time I got home.

That's about as good as my running got all week. Did my usual easy run on the grass at the Ag College on Sunday then spent the week fighting off a sore throat. Only did one other easy run, during which was spotted by Jon Young who was so surprised he stopped the car to get out and check it was me (you can't do anything in Ciren without being spotted!). This was good as it allowed me to stop for a chat and gather my breath. Funny how the last thing you think of when running 80 miles a week is breathing, when it's the first thing on the mind doing a slow two miler when out of condition.

I had hoped that this long lay-off would be good for my Achilles but sadly not. Presumably because of the long inactivity it is now agony again after my pitiful attempts at running. As it is now six months since last seeing him and I've saved up my pennies in the meantime, thought a return visit to Dr Rod £aques was in order this week. As expected little came of it although his squeeze tests indicated that things were not so bad that I couldn't run. So he has encouraged me to gradually build up my running for a month (didn't tell him about the mob match!) with a view to reviewing again (more pennies) and if any further reaction, put plan B into place, which appears to be the intravenous administration of a drug (pamindronate) generally used on post-menopausal women to encourage bone growth! Not sure I'm really interested in going that far down the line. Just giving up running seems the easier option.

* there's often been talk at the club in Ciren about having a proper running track and what a difference it would make; I noticed a sign on the gate at the track in Stoke stating that annual subs were due at £85 to include hire of the track - that might put a few people off.

Miles: 10, weight 13st 0lbs (no change).